Rene with his son and dog came by to say adios. Patty P gave his son the red teddy bear while she was visiting and he carries it around all day long. Rene is a hard working local man who speaks English and is a "jack-of-all-trades". The bald guy is a not-so-hard-working tourist bum called over to get in the picture

Our final Mazatlan sunset. I keep saying no more sunset pictures but I just can't help myself.

Marcos, the security guard at Tres Amigos, saying goodbye to Ellen. He speaks no English but he and Ellen communicated.

Mr Moro office, restaurant, and hotel

Our ocean front site at Mr Moro

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Ellen surveying the scene

The beach at Mr Moro and all the way South into town for almost a mile was full of people from Los Mochis and Gusauve on Sunday when we arrived. It does not look too busy here but the closer to "town" the more crowded it got. The road in was so frustrating we never gave a thought to getting a picture of the crowds on, along, and around the streets of town we had to drive through.

The next morning, not a person in sight. I drove into town (forgot the camera) to look at what we went through and not a live body or car in sight. No street vendors, no restaurants, no nothing! But this beach scene without a soul in sight resembles what I saw in Las Glorias, the town that seems to exist on weekends only.

Our site

Arrival at El Mirador in San Carlos. Great place but not very busy.

View from our San Carlos site with the ocean in the distance

No sand, no dirt, no bugs, no humidity, no noise. Just a cool breeze and great view.

Ellen's new friend Dulce with her dog Cholla. She is traveling with her parents who are full time RV'ers at the present time while their new house in San Lucas at the tip of the Baha is being built. She was adopted and is Guatemalan by birth. She speaks great English, is very smart, and extremely "cocky".

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