First off, I corrected the link to Estrella del Mar. I just tried it for myself on yesterdays post and discovered it did not work. So if interested, I did correct it on that page, but here it is again Estrella del Mar.
Now for today. We did the hike as planned and it was a nice walk up the hill and through some heavy brush. Good exercise for us as it's way to easy to do nothing but eat and drink around here. We did have some great views of Stone Island and Mazatlan across the harbor, but not really an interesting event. I'll put some pictures on here tonight or tomorrow of what we saw.
We were hungry and thirsty after the trip so we came back to the RV to check on the dogs and change back into our resort wear - speedo for me and thong for Ellen, sandals, and t-shirt for Ellen - I don't look good with a t-shirt when I have my speedo on- it's kind of a distraction from what really matters.
We were wearing long pants, hiking shoes, and gloves on the hike (per instructions) and we could not wait to get out of such confining clothing. Anyway, went down the beach for a light lunch. Well, it turned out to be a 3-beer each and a big shared platter of shrimp, mahi-mahi, and ribs. No dinner tonight! I just got to tell you, the check was $350 pesos or about $25 USD. When we got to Mexico 100 pesos cost me about $8.00. As of today it was $6.90. That's a big change and makes it even more so inexpensive to eat out.
We promised the girls an afternoon on the beach today and we kept our word. Took beach chairs, water, camera, poop bags, and tennis ball down to the water line and sat while the girls had their fun in the ocean. We needed everything we brought - if you get what I mean!
They don't get to go into the water but about every three days. It's just too much of a mess to hose them down when we get back, towel dry them off, and then try to keep them out of the RV and off the dirt outside before they are somewhat clean and dry.
The ultralight man was giving flight-sees today so Ellen got her turn. I think she had fun, but she will have to be the one to describe her experience. You know Ellen - she never gets excited about anything!
Another beautiful cool morning, becoming hot as the sun rose, and now finishing up cool again as the sun has set. The thing about here is that the air temperature does not seem to change much. So as long as you can find or make shade it's even cool in the day. And that is not complaining, it's great. It's not a humid heat like the mid-west where we sweat all day, and it's not such a dry heat like the desert South West where your skin dries out and you feel like a prune, it's just a very comfortable all-around temperature.
Ellen with Anna on our hike today

Ellen in the brush

A Mazatlan harbor view from the top of the hill we hiked. Not too different than other harbor pictures, but it was what we saw.

Me and my goatee

Just a pretty shot of our coastline from the hill above the village

At the end of our hike as we reached the harbor was this beautiful tree that seemed so out of place given the local surroundings

Our guide for the hike - Rene. He is a local who has worked for a number of years in construction in Lake Tahoe, NV. He is bi-lingual and a very nice young man who is doing a lot of landscaping for the long term renters here at the RV park. He does beautiful work!

A termite nest in a cactus up on the hill. Ther must be millions of them in there!

Coastline as seen from the hill - our RV is down there somewhere, but not visable

This is a picture of the only "wild" life I saw on the hike

Ellen ready to get "high"

Me and the girls are getting out of the way!

The pictures I took on my flight and the ones Ellen took are about the same. So I'm not putting many of hers here. But a few are different enought to be noteworthy.

Old Mazatlan in the bottom of the picture, and the new Mazatlan in the top. Notice the old architecture vs the new.

Hey Snots!!! Can you ever stay home and be bored like the rest of us? Looks like you two are having way too much fun again when I, on the other hand, just got home for work and it's bedtime. Love you, miss you, so totally jealous of you. Sue Cox/Kravitz Few xoxox
Hey Jim and Ellen....
It's Nicole Cripe, Cindy gave me your blog address. I'm lovin' your pictures. You both make RVing look so glamorous!!! Jeff and I were just talking this weekend(he had to work a RV show) that retiring and buying an RV and traveling all over sounds pretty good to us!!! Hope all is well, take care and have a corona for me!!
Hola Diego,
Nice pictures as usual bro. Watch out for those wild critters in the bushes. I'm off work today, so I'm just sitting here because the weather is back to normal. Ugh. And your house is still standing. Love Ya Man ! Hello sista Ells.
Bro Tim
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