Being a land owner now, Kevin is a member of the golf course. Tuesday is guest day and guests pay only $49.00 US instead of the usual $100.00 US so about 12 of us went out to play. From the RV park we can look south and barely see the property off in the distance. You can drive on the beaches here and most RV'ers have 4-wheel drive vehicles. So we all loaded up in three of them and drove the entire 8.2 miles to the resort on the beach. Really neat! I might have to take the CR-V out there and try it for myself.
So, I played lousy, naturally. That's why I quit playing golf three or four years ago. But I could not turn down a chance to play such a beautiful course on the Pacific Ocean for only $49.00.
Ellen and a group of the women who did not play, met us after golf for dinner in the restaurant. They also came in a 4-wheel drive vehicle and followed the beach route as well, so Ellen got to experience the thrill of it too. Check it out at Estrella del Mar
That was most of my day. While I golfed, Ellen enjoyed the day just not having me to tolerate.
We did get a hot water heater here in our park yesterday for hot showers. That was a big deal! Cold showers tend to be very brief and not so often.
Nothing going on today. We signed up for a three hour guided tour of the island tomorrow, most of it a climbing trip up the mountain, or hill, or rock, or whatever it is that gives Stone Island it's name. It's a big stone! It's supposed to be a "must do" so we are going to "do". The flier provides a brief description of what we will see and do, but we'll just go and do it and let you know how it was.
Then on Saturday, Valentine's Day, my little Valentine and I are going on a 5 hour sailing trip out to and around the Islands off the coast of Mazatlan. Only 10 passengers at a time, so it's going to be a nice uncrowded sail. Chincia, now that you are experienced handling a sail boat, you would love this trip!
View from out on the golf course with the big rocks of Mazatlan harbor in the far distance

Lots for sale - anyone interested?

Just a view from a tee

Ocean side green

Cart path leading to the ocean. You can see how far left all the palms are blowing - the wind was brutal out there. That's why my score was so high.

Simply beautiful!

Again notice the palms. Putting into the wind often caused the ball to stop, then start coming right back you.

We are all lying about our handicaps getting ready to tee-it-up!

Just one of many, many residential communities at Estrella del Mar. Some finished and occupied, some in process, and a whole lot of space still for sale. The site plan for this place is huge!

Ocean front home being built. A small lot on the golf course and not on the ocean is about $350,000. A small single story home on that lot - about $300,000. Ocean front lots start at $1,000,000. Someone told me the prices, I can't verify the info. But just think what a water front lot would be on Lake Michigan or on the California coast, or in Florida. $1,000,000 is cheap in comparison.

Club house and restaurant

Kevin in the middle, his wife Linda on his left, and an RV park neighbor - Terry - who came for dinner with the "girls"

My date

Can you find Ellen in this picture?

The outside dining room. We were all set up to have dinner out here, but it was just too windy.

Sunset as seen from the dining room.

A cruise ship leaving Mazatlan and sailing off into the sunset

Good place for a compound Bro. "I Love Ya Man."
Jim I think you need to buy one of the lots.
Sailing on Valentines you two are so romantic. Sorry I cant't be the captain. Glad you got to play golf it does look windy.
Have fun you two!
Love Chincia
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