We made it!
We left Hautabompito (El Mirador RV park) at 7:15am yesterday. It was de nada (no problem) getting to our next stop, Celestino RV, 45 miles north of Mazatlan. We arrived at 3:00pm. It being 5:00pm at home we had a beer!
So a 7 hour drive and 350 miles. For Mexico that is quite a "poke", but the roads were very good and not crowded. Several towns to negotiate but we managed to stay on course and not get lost. Looking back, had Saturday not been such a miserable driving experience, the entire trip has been pretty good.
I do have an internet connection here in the motor home, but it's not very dependable. I'm "robbing" it from some one not in this park by using a wi-fi signal amplifier. I think it's the RV park just down the road from here - I can see their antenna sticking up from the roof. It's a new park, but only has two rigs currently there. This RV park (Celestino) has wi-fi available only at the office and I have not tried it out yet. I can't post any pictures from this stray signal, but I will try later when I walk up to the office with my computer to see if it's faster.
It's great to finally be here. The park is long and narrow. Probably 100 ft. wide and it looks like there is another 100 ft. available for future expansion. There is a drive all the way to the ocean with RV sites along one side. Full hook-up's of water, electric, and sewer. The daily cost of all this extravagance and ocean front camping - $12.00 per night. We are about the fifth site from the water, but I am sitting here at the table typing and can see and hear the water. The only obstruction is a few palm trees. Beautiful!
Technically we are still on the Sea of Cortez, but it's ocean to me. Big, loud waves!
We plan on driving into the little town down the road (dirt of course) just to see it. And we want to at least have a look at the three other RV parks in this area. And, it's said there is a little restaurant with great food.
The routine here is to gather late afternoon at the patio on the beach for sunset cocktails and conversation. Dogs, of course, are welcome everywhere and as usual no one remembers our names but the girls are the life of the party. We are the couple with Gracie and Isabelle.
Everyone is very friendly and several of the other people currently here we have seen at our other stops along the way. Most, like us, working their way to Mazatlan or just a little more south to Teacapan.
A cool night last night and about 61 at dawn today. I know, what am I complaining about. But when the dress of the day is sandals, shorts, and t-shirt - 60 is cold.
Tomorrow we are making the short drive to our destination in Mazatlan. Arriving two days early but they have room for us. No one is full this year! The economy has hit them hard too. This park is about 1/2 full. The park next door has two rigs ( now four at day's end). A new one opened two weeks ago just north of here and has no one in it yet. A fourth one has about 15 sites and is reported to be full, but it has a few more amenities and organized activities. Our spot is the oldest of them all, maybe 5 or 6 years, and therefor the landscaping is more mature and offers a little more in the way of shade. More people simply know about it and return. The new ones will certainly increase in popularity as time goes on and RV'ers look to try something new.
Look back on this post later in the day or night for pictures.
Well, here they are. I put my wi-fi amplifier on top of Blue Boy and the signal was improved significantly.
Views from the toll road going to Celestino and Mazatlan. As you can see it's four lane, paved, in good condition, and the speed limit is 110 kph - about 68 mph.

The exit from the toll road going to Celestino RV park

The billboard advertising Celestino RV after the exit

The main street of Celestino Gasca we went through on the way to Celestino RV park

Main entrance into Celestino RV park

Not a clear picture, but Blue Boy is near the beach just past the laundry/shower building

Ellen going to check out the "facilities"

Ellen doing the laundry - two washers and one dryer - zero space

Views to the South of the RV park

View from the Palapa

At the camp site looking towards the water seen in the center of the picture

Can it get any better?

Close up of the beach. It was all sand until the winds changed two weeks ago and washed it all away leaving some sand, but a lot of smooth rocks.

Wave action

Ellen socializing with Lou & Becky Lupo from Washington. Their winter residence is San Carlos, MX, but they still enjoy motor trips further south into Mexico.

Gracie got on the seawall and did not want to leave. It was like her pedastal.

Jim with the girls. His shirt is really bloused by the wind (he wishes that it was the wind billowing his shirt!) edited by Ellen

My princess Issy

Both girls enjoying getting out of the motor home and into the fresh ocean breeze at the beach front patio

The other half of Celestino RV park. As yet undeveloped but some day could double their capacity.

The new RV park next door with two customers. Two more showed up late today.

The new park next to CelestinoRV as seen from our site

Celestino sunset

Buenos Noches!

Brother, sounds great there! Save Sista Dea and I a spot, we'll be right down. I must of been dreaming. I can't come down there. Not yet anyway. Maybe in a few years.
Talk to ya later.
Brother Tim
Just thought you would like to Know, the park you are in is the original park in the Celestino area, the park that you thought was first is Villa celeste, this is why there lay out is so tight, it was there summer home first the park came after Chris built Celestino RV Resort, then came Punta san Miguel followed buy the fouth park.
I would say the original park is the Best deal in the area, his prices are even in pesos
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