We left Catalina State Park at 3:00pm yesterday. We were told that UPS delivered around 10 or 11am. We thought 3:00 pm was long enough to wait. Got to our new site in Amato, AZ (it is on the map by-the -way) and got settled in. Went out to dinner as stated yesterday and that was it for the night.
But, I checked the UPS tracking web site for my package this morning before driving back to Tucson and it said the package was delivered at 3:08 pm yesterday. Eight minutes after we gave up and left!!!! Oh Well!
Took me 3 hours to drive back and get it this morning including three other stops along the way. But I got the parts and fixed the tow bar and we are now 100% ready to go. Ellen did all the laundry and we are all hooked up to the CRV and ready to "get on with this crossing" first thing in the morning. Next stop, San Carlos on the Pacific.
Sand burrs are terrible here and the dogs can't even leave the motor home except to pee & poop. This is a great area with a lot to do and see. We are on our mission to get to Mexico right now so no time to really enjoy any of it. We initially thought this would be a great place to hang out for awhile when we return to the US, however, the problem with the dogs and the dozens of stickers they pick up every walk and the time it takes us to remove them will probably make us bypass here on the way back.
Pictures -
All pictures of our drive up to Mt. Lemmon unless otherwise noted. We did not make it all the way to the top for two reasons. 1. running low on gas. 2. snow and ice on the road required tire chains or 4-wheel drive after the 16 mile marker.
Blue Boy in Amato
Looking down on Tucson from a viewing pullout on the Mt. Lemmon road
The pictures do not come close to revealing the true beauty of this area north of Tucson in the Catalina Mountains - Mt. Lemon being the tallest peak.
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