Today - no driving, no stress, no detours, no RV damage, no problems.
Today is la vida loca!
I got to wash the RV - finally. As I said yesterday, anything goes here - dogs at dinner, etc. So I had a great time just being able to clean "the rig". It was filthy! First time in a long time as 98% of RV parks and State Parks do not allow vehicle washing on site. It's not easy to find a car wash big enough for RV's in the US - in Mexico it's not even a possibility. It's a big relief for me to have it clean. Tomorrow I'll clean the car.
Another great day weather wise. It was HOT in the sun outside, but with the awning out and the ocean breeze, never any discomfort for us or the dogs inside or out. Someone told us yesterday that it was in the mid-ninety's when we arrived, but I don't see how that was possible. Maybe in the sun but not the "feel like" temperature at all!
Life down here is so different than in the US I don't think I can even begin to convey what it's like. The people are so friendly. But they have no concept of "do not litter". The roads are trash depositories! Everyone just throws trash out the windows while driving and from the looks of it the rare trash cans along the roadside stops have not been collected or cleaned in years. The city of Huatabampo looked like a very nice & relatively clean little town driving through it on our way to the RV park about 10 miles outside of town. But once out of town the road sides looked like a repository for the cities trash collections. It's sad to see such a beautiful country so "trashed".
But that is the local way of life and I do not want to judge the people or the country based on their trash disposal customs. Who are we to criticize it? I only want to note how different it is from how we live knowing full well there are many "trashy" sites in the US as well. We are here to visit and experience, not to change Mexico standards of living. So I'll get off this comparison of US vs MX. It's different and that says it all. We feel no danger - just experiencing vast differences in how everyday life is for our neighbors South of the Border. We love it so far - what we are experiencing. And we have so much more to find.
The other RV'ers here are very friendly and full of helpful tips on traveling in Mexico. So many different people with different backgrounds and experiences and expectations for the future. It's a small world, but yet it's a big world. We tend to focus on our lives and our ideas of what's good and bad, but there are so many other equally valid life expectations.
I apologize for rambling on here, but seeing how other people live in another country really changes one's life viewpoint, if nothing else than to realize that we are not the only ones on this earth.
I can't wait to experience more!
Don't forget to look at the videos! I can't post them directly on these pages. You must link to them from the main page. Check out the Huatabampito view!
Gracie checking out a crab Ellen found on the beach

The entrance

The office

The "full hook ups" The little pipe is the sewer (no lid or cover), the bigger pipe is the water faucet, and the cement post is the electrical connection.

The view

The princess

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