Friday, January 30, 2009

We have arrived at our destination! Safe and sound. No military, no banditos, no policia, no nothing but our American dollars to get us where we were going. Tolls and permits are expensive, food and services are cheap! Cost to have RV washed after 8 miles of dirt road - 250 pesos! 14 pesos to the dollar right now so you do the math. OK, I'll do it for you - $20.00 US. It's cheap. In New Mexico at the Hacienda RV park, a very nice place at $42.00 per night, they did not allow RV washing by RV owners, but allowed a service to do it for $120.00! Just as a comparison, we are paying $450.00 for 30 days here, or $15.00 per night.

Short drive to Mazatlan from Celestino, long drive to Stone Island RV.
The road in from South of the city at the airport entrance is an 8.2 mile bumpy gravel road that takes time to negotiate. It's not bad, just can not go faster than 7-8 mph. It took us one hour to traverse the 8.2 mile stretch.

Too soon to comment on the facilities seriously. Not quite what we expected, but probably better than being in the city itself. It's quiet here. We expected that and that is what we wanted. But it's too quiet! Things, as in restaurants and bars, are closing at 6:00pm - no business this year. "It's the economy, stupid"! Actually, those who are experienced here, say it's just a quieter way of life here on the island and it's normal to close up early. The night life, better restaurants, and just about everything else are across the harbor in Mazatlan itself.

We will withhold judgment until we have time to check out the area and take the water taxi into the city.

We are here. We made it safely. Mission accomplished! What we do from here on is subject to change. Never have we been able to stay put in one place too long and this may not be any different. Nice people, nice beach, decent RV park. But for one month - ??????. I don't know if I can sit that long here.

Patty P, don't worry! Even if not in this park we will be close by.

Some pictures available, but I'm too tired to post them.

More tomorrow.

Buenos Noches!

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