Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Overnight tonight is Palmetto State Park about 60 miles East of San Antonio just off I-10.

Drove 365 miles to get here. Very heavy rain leaving Lafayette until just east of Houston. By the time we were out of Houston the sky was blue and the temperature had risen to 70.

Nice park but for the first time in all our travels we are the only campers here. We have the entire state park to ourselves! Getting dark by the time we got here and set up and did not take too much time to have a look around. Our first night in Texas Ellen made Texas Chili. It was great. But two of us eating beans and staying inside a small space could be trouble by morning!

That's it for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the kind of camp ground I would like. The girls called they want some air.